The then owner - Singapore Broadcasting Corporation - launched a revamp campaign and started several stations targetting different segments of the population.
The owner of the diner launched herself across the line, embracing the cook and whooping with delight.
The club's owners, The Dons Trust, launched a share issue to finance the purchase, which was closed the following summer.
Perhaps to placate the fans, the owners launched a uniform design contest.
The new owners launched a competition in August 2007, inviting people to submit ideas for the regeneration of the pier and island.
Subsequently, the owner launched a new website called '"Obama Nudes".
In 1987, the owners of the Star launched a morning newspaper to more directly compete with The New Zealand Herald.
After seeing how well this type of product sold the Serif owners launched a separate website in 2002 which was called Gizoo.
In 2010, the owners of 99p Stores launched a subsidiary chain, Family Bargains.
The Paper's owners later launched a sister title covering the Football League, called the League Paper.