But by building partly underground, the architects and owners managed to build 250 square meters, or about 2,700 square feet.
The new owners will manage the nine hotels and hold a long-term license on the trademark in Asia.
Some owners manage by helping each other, but this takes a lot of organisation and a failsafe mechanism if something goes wrong.
Even if owners manage to break only the glass, they'll have to pay to replace the LCD as well.
Evidence that some owners had managed to virtually empty hotels during the moratorium added another complication to the volatile debate.
The owners of the shops, for instance, pay rent and taxes, write paychecks and manage a staff.
The owner is highly experienced and always manages to source books which I have found difficult to get hold of.
How did this owner, a woman no less, manage?
Still, show owners managed to raise revenue an average of 5 percent during each of the previous two years.
But there is one thing the owners have not managed to change: the crowd.