She said the owner, Sam Chen, ordered the shutdown after concluding that he could not cover the printing costs any longer.
Still, chefs and owners must order provisions, schedule their staffs and prepare the meals.
The owners, BP, ordered her to stop and two tankers came alongside to take off over 20,000 tons of crude oil.
In 1650 the scroll's owner wanted to take it beyond the grave, and ordered that it be burned.
The fact that the ship's owner and the authorities have ordered him to evacuate the place presents no problem.
Fifteen years ago, the owner of the house had gone back East, and ordered that the property should be divided into apartments, for long-term lets.
The club's owner ordered bouncers to bodily remove the vocalist from the club.
The owner of Montgard had ordered Quarley to lock the house.
The owner picked up courage and ordered the cook to prepare dinner.
It is true that, during boom times, owners will order new ships.