According to WXIX-TV on March 13, 2008, the dog's owner would petition for an exemption for the "mayor".
The new owners petitioned the FCC to change the station's call letters to WDLE on November 30, 1987.
The owner of his neighborhood pool room, Bob's Billiards, liked McCready and successfully petitioned to adopt him, providing him a permanent home until he reached legal age.
He said Seabrook's owners could submit a better evacuation plan for consideration and that Shoreham's owners could petition for increased capacity at an early date next year.
The owners of Blue Boar Limited petitioned that their business would be destroyed by the opening of the new services and the government agreed to grant them the franchise.
But the owner could petition for reinstatement sooner, and the council could allow it.
In 1900 and also in 1916 the owners of the lots unsuccessfully petitioned the city to take over the roadbed at Washington Terrace as a public street.
Herman's owners, however, successfully petitioned the Bankruptcy Court to allow the company to pay immediately one-third of what each employee was due.
In October 2010, the current owner of the site petitioned to allow live concerts on the site as the original development plans had fallen through due in part to the late-2000s recession.
While many owners of copyrighted movies and music have petitioned Congress to prevent the machines from being used for home taping, the groundswell may be too strong.