The owner has planted trees all around the ponds which will conceal them from the roads so to me that can't be a problem.
The owner put on a coat of paint, planted a few trees, and sold it four months later for $2.1 million.
The previous owners had planted the cornfields to attract wildlife.
The owner planted both fists on his hips and stood slightly straddle-legged, looking her up and down with bright black eyes.
Only last week the top editors at Premiere, a once-feisty film magazine, quit after revealing that their new corporate owners were planting and killing pieces involving business associates.
The owner, Edward Beale, has long had a passion for trees, and over the last 40 years has planted at West Lodge what has now become a famous collection.
The Yankees' owner had planted himself in a box seat alongside the Yankee dugout, ducking out in the ninth only when the game was safe, and the playing field wasn't.
He was lifted off his feet, while the owner of those arms planted a resounding buss on his cheek.
Finally, delighted with the celebrity status of the brand, the Gansevoort owners are expanding and planting the Gansevoort name directly on new boutique properties.
I notice that down the road, meanwhile, the owner of the instant house has been planting again.