The owner of the boxer presented Kwan with an eight-hundred-dollar veterinary bill.
The owners soon will present the players with a new proposal.
The owners presented yet another set of proposals, and these outraged the players.
The owner must present the vehicle's title to make the change.
Over the years the owner presented several plans for the future use of the vessel, including conversion to a casino or accommodation ship.
The owners presented counterproposals on both issues, and both sides pronounced the movement positive.
After the owners presented a final proposal late Saturday night, the union countered with its own version early Sunday morning.
In fact, the owners themselves have presented economic models to the players where they assume annual revenue growth around 12 percent.
The owners presented a large claim for damages because the vessels were detained by the Danish government.
Dues are $45 per year, and before being accepted each owner must present a health certificate from the dog's veterinarian.