Back at the pub, the owner gets very distressed and suggests that they go after the pair.
The owners of the house suggested a neighbor, a 90-year-old retired admiral, who can be seen briefly in the film tapping out an important message.
The owners suggest calling ahead for an appointment at (212) 462-4559.
Players, coaches and even owners have suggested that the rules regarding contact with the quarterback be tweaked again.
Finally, as we were persistent, the owner of the store suggested we ask at the local police station.
Will the owners make a counterproposal or suggest further negotiations.
The owners suggest reserving at least a month in advance.
The owner of the studio, the man said, suggested he check into a motel.
Free agency, the owners suggested, could mean death for some franchises.
If he doesn't resign, the owners suggest in the letter, he could face dismissal.