Under the agreement, the owner will surrender King Yin Lei's entire site to the government after restoration.
It closed again on 2 September 2011 when owners surrendered their licence to the authorities pending an investigation into a series of violent incidents and serious disorder.
The station ceased operations November 28, 2007, and the owners surrendered its license to the FCC.
Once notified, an owner can surrender their ADRs and take delivery of the foreign securities represented by the Receipt, or do nothing.
Instead, those owners surrendered.
Exasperated, the owners surrendered.
"Each owner has, visually speaking, surrendered a part and received back a beautiful whole," he wrote.
The claim has not been tested in court: in both cases the owners quickly surrendered the pieces.
The owners surrendered the station's license to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on December 10, 2012.
He said that the union is making a mistake if it thinks the owners will surrender.