Their owners just stood up and walked away, not even looking to see who was calling.
Her owner walked with purpose across the kitchen and picked up Popeye.
He was waiting by the front door when his owner and Piano Man walked in.
It is as if the owner of a lavishly furnished mansion had suddenly walked away, leaving everything in place.
A new owner would walk in on the first day and want to ask a few questions about his expensive new toy.
A minute later, the owners walked sheepishly back through the door to the street.
It was the first time that talks were suspended since Aug. 6, when the owners walked out of a meeting.
Boo noticed the struggling man as he and his owner were walking along the river.
The previous night, the owner was walking the dog when the animal relieved itself on a tree in front of the neighbor's house.
After repaying the notes, the owners would walk away with at least $100 million, perhaps more.