The acid action is balanced with the oxidation rate to form a coating with nanopores, 10-150 nm in diameter.
Since the oxidation rate itself increases rapidly beyond 800 C, it is important that smelting take place in a low-oxygen environment.
Use small samples of the wool and be sure to test the oxidation rate of damp and dry wool as a control.
Under most conditions, orange juice stays fresh a day or two if its kept chilled to slow the oxidation rate.
Water increases the oxidation rate of plutonium and uranium metals.
However the presence of water also affects soil color by affecting the oxidation rate.
The pressure of the ambient gas also affects oxidation rate.
The oxidation rate of the oxide layer was highly dependent on the aluminium content.
The oxidation rate of the ship's hull plates reveal that it crashed nearly 22 years previously.
However the oxidation rate of the metals also increases with temperature.