For many reasons, the brain is highly vulnerable to oxidative damage.
And unlike other organs, it cannot repair itself from oxidative damage.
A typical human cell contains about 150,000 bases that have suffered oxidative damage.
These results support the evidence for pinoline's antioxidant abilities and the potential to protect against oxidative damage.
But the main underlying cause is oxidative damage to the delicate cells of the macula.
Compared to other tissues in the body, the brain is deemed unusually sensitive to oxidative damage.
Its proposed function is the repair of oxidative damage to proteins to restore biological activity.
This would then attract neutrophils which lead to an increase in oxidative damage through the generation of free radicals.
Deficiency can also cause anemia, due to oxidative damage to red blood cells.
The higher your 8oxodg count, in other words, the more oxidative damage your body is experiencing.