At some threshold level, believed to average around 300-350 ppm, the oxidative enzymes become overwhelmed.
These ions can inhibit oxidative enzymes such as yeast alcohol dehydrogenase.
The bluish green glow is attributed to luciferase, an oxidative enzyme, which emits light as it reacts with luciferin.
An oxidative enzyme is an enzyme that catalyses oxidation reaction.
This reaction is catalysed by oxidative enzymes and is often controlled by dirigent proteins.
Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes used in bioluminescence and is distinct from a photoprotein.
The polymerisation step, that is a radical-radical coupling, is catalysed by oxidative enzymes.
The oxidative enzyme catalyses the formation of monolignol radicals.
Greyhounds cannot metabolize barbiturate-based anesthesia as other breeds can because they have lower amounts of oxidative enzymes in their livers.
It is used as a reagent to detect oxidative enzymes, and is associated with dopamine levels in the brain.