Treatments may include fluids and nutrition through intravenous catheters, oxygen supplementation, breathing support, and medications.
Our results suggest that oxygen supplementation decreased the intensity of dyspnoea in patients with terminal cancer.
In these circumstances, oxygen supplementation using a simple face mask is inadequate.
In chronic cases, inhaled steroids and oxygen supplementation may be necessary.
These infants may require chronic oxygen supplementation even without developing acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Treatment is supportive, including oxygen supplementation as needed, and removal from further beryllium exposure.
Due to the absence of oxygen supplementation at such high altitude, the two moved slowly and summitted dangerously late in the day.
Many patients eventually require oxygen supplementation at home.
Five infants received oxygen supplementation and eight infants needed intravenous fluids for more than 1 day.
This can be prevented with oxygen supplementation.