Without slackening the pace of our advance, Tanus redeployed the fleet.
During the day, the German Army picked up the pace of their advance and pressed forward at an alarming pace covering many miles.
Computerized special effects, for example, have changed the way movies are made, and the pace of technology's advance into Hollywood can only increase.
At last the monstrous trespasser made a serious adjustment in the pace of its advance.
Liu Ting took the bait and increased the pace of his advance.
On the brigade's left, south of the main route, the pace of the 2/23rd's advance had also caused Whitehead some concern.
As Mark drew near the place where the birds had located the ambush, he slowed the pace of his advance.
Here came the foe, picking up the pace of his advance.
The enemy was now a fifth of a mile off and accelerating the pace of his advance.
In the last couple of years the pace of his advance had quickened.