Second, she will be helped by a pace setter, Michelle Ave, a leading half-miler.
"With the popularity of women's basketball at the 1996 Olympics, we saw that another barrier was being broken, and we want to be pace setters."
The deal with the pilots - traditionally the pace setter - expires in mid-1997.
In its second week it jumped to number 97 and was named that week's "pace setter".
Although hip-hop as a whole still offers myriad messages, most of its commercial pace setters are now gangster rappers.
The pace setters of the decade were a handful of financial wizards and their younger second or third wives.
Competing in a low-cost, high-volume business has made Mabuchi a pace setter.
"With a half-mile to go, the pace setters faded and she took the lead," he remembered.
Those three will find positions near the front and stalk the pace setters until it is time for a late rush.
Experts call Marriott a pace setter; it has about 6,000 disabled employees, a large but untabulated number of them retarded.