His pace slowed, so he did not keep up with me.
The economy created 3.5 million jobs and the pace, around 275,000 a month, has not really slowed yet.
After the war the pace of life slowed but change was coming.
Very soon he was going to need human blood, or the pace of his growth would first slow, then stop.
But the pace of rain slowed later in the day.
But if the pace of new issues slows somewhat, he said, the market could hold its ground.
The pace of orders has slowed since, to about $1 million a day from the American market.
Our pace has slowed from when we first began, and even then it was not quick.
About the middle of the day the man's pace slowed.
But thus far in 1992 the pace has slowed to 5,000 a month, an annual rate of 60,000.