While not a pacifist organization, it was opposed to military influence in government.
The media operation was conducted throughout the world, with the assistance of many "left wing" and "pacifist" organizations, and lasted until the fighting ceased in 1953.
A third pacifist organization emerged in February 1917, just as America appeared on the cusp of entering the European conflagration.
Peacemakers, was an American pacifist organization.
In the 1960s, WRL was the first pacifist organization to call for an end to the Vietnam War.
The PPU was the largest absolute pacifist organization in history.
It is a pacifist (peaceful invitation) organisation.
La Fontaine also promoted the idea of unification of the world's pacifist organizations.
Cronbach attempted to establish a specifically Jewish pacifist organization in 1924.
Emanuel and his family instead became involved with the Quaker-like pacifist organization called the Fellowship of Reconciliation.