At once, the pack began to hum like a hive of angry bees.
Then the pack of cards flew up into the sky and began to fall on Alice's face.
He added, "When the pack begins to run, it's tough to hear the truth above the howls."
"Each pack begins to protect their own turf," he added.
- Where shall I put- he started to say, but then the pack went light in his hands and began to tug away from him.
During the second lap the pack began to thin out.
I stayed in a den area, a remote spot where wolves look after their young, and very soon one pack began to trust me.
Giro and his pack begin to hunt down the two companions.
On July 14, the tunnel having been completed, the first packs of marijuana began going through.
The disturbing part was that a very large pack began lurking around the camp.