Make sure you pack A Thermos, a map of China, snacks to share, antibacterial hand gel - and lots of loo paper.
About 10 of them gathered a day later to pack snacks.
I've sampled veggie chips before, and none of them pack a crunch like these savory snacks.
I'm hoping this is a sign that my metabolism is revving up; in any case, I'm packing more healthy snacks on my lunch bag.
And customers pack them as travel snacks for journeys to places like Tibet or Mongolia.
Aluminium foil containers and trays are used to bake pies and to pack takeaway meals, ready snacks and long life pet foods.
Packing healthy lunches and snacks to take to work or school offers many benefits.
It's not too early - make sure you pack some snacks to keep you going during labour.
But once you know the setup and remember to pack snacks and sweaters, you can relax.
But before we try it, we'll pack sweaters and snacks and make a bathroom stop, just in case.