Both men lay on cots with medical packs strapped to their arms.
Joaquín and his men were standing to one side, guns in hand and their packs strapped to their backs.
She glanced up, saw urgency in his eyes, and stuffed her absurd bouquet of pistols quickly into the pack strapped to the brown mare.
They are tough to get close to, due to the missiles they fire from the packs strapped to their backs.
He had his uniform in a sealed pack securely strapped to his back.
Crefter came across, doglike in his obedience, the heavy pack strapped to his back.
It was full of people strangely dressed in plus fours and navy blue suits, with packs strapped to their backs.
Scott drew the relatively safer middle position, with his own rifle and his medical pack strapped to his back.
Staying on bareback would be hard enough; they'd never be able to stay on with packs strapped to their backs.
The whiteness of the pack strapped to her back glimmered in the dark.