The pack weighed one hundred and twenty pounds, which fact was uttered back and forth in tones of awe.
A frameless pack with little padding, the Gust weighs only one and a quarter pounds.
The pack with its fuel weighed 125 lb (57 kg).
Each pack weighed less than 10 lb (5 kg).
For units that are entering combat situations, packs may be loaded heavily and can weigh in excess of 100 lbs.
Each pack weighs 33.6g and contains 15 chews.
After the short rest, the pack weighed a ton, and the pass looked ten miles long.
My pack weighed about ten pounds; I had food enough for three days' half-rations.
In most professional teams the forward pack weighs at least 800 kg (1764 lbs).
His pack weighed more than he remembered.