Although the package announced today is aimed primarily at Russia, some economists say the other republics are in more desperate need of aid.
The $24 billion package announced today includes $500 million in agricultural credits to the other republics.
The economic package announced last month altered the benefit payment schedule slightly but did not make major changes.
The package announced today includes some immediate policy changes, some that will take time to develop and others that require legislation to put in place.
The deficit-reduction package announced tonight was split almost evenly between lower spending and higher taxes.
The package also announced significant new funding measures including a $900m Crown contribution to Auckland transport over 10 years.
The $1.6 billion package announced Sunday is the first of two installments expected from Washington.
The package announced at City Hall relies on too many gimmicks.
This is in addition to the financial stimulus packages already announced.
The significantly increased American aid package for Afghanistan announced last month needs to focus more on development.