A legislative package known as the Stanley plan was enacted.
The only copy with package known to exist sold for $31,600 in 2010.
Taaffe would also develop a new offensive package known as the "Wild Knight."
The $400 million cut looms small in the context of this week's vote on a $17 billion package of midyear spending cuts, known as rescissions.
The Broadway price would be about $1.5 million, and even the cut-rate package known as the Broadway Alliance costs $850,000.
Korolev proposed a larger N1, combined with a new lunar package known as the L3.
The package of cuts, formally known as rescissions, is unacceptable to the President because it cuts spending for education, the official said.
This package, also known as the Orlando 60+ pack, consists of the Jordan 7 black and red.
The proposal which is tabled today is part of the larger package known as the one-stop-shop scheme.
The proposed package of $150 million, known as debtor-in-possession financing, may leave little room for error.