Before a packed church, Kane asks the people to help him defend the town he has long defended for them.
Some first hand accounts describe overflow crowds sitting outside the packed church so they could listen through the windows.
Eight people died and 158 were wounded when the boy tossed his grenade into the packed church during a wedding ceremony.
Hell, Spode was taking his time, must've had a packed church for communion.
When I enter the packed church, Peegsnit is already in full flow.
Beijing college students wait hours for a pew during Christmas services in the capital's 100 packed churches.
The vicar, a former stockbroker, greeted the audience in the packed church.
But she sat alone in the second pew of the packed church.
His initial excitement was now beginning to fade, the waiting and the claustrophobic atmosphere of the packed church taking effect.
"I was the youngest former Governor in American history," Clinton told the packed church.