But if the place was deserted by 10pm, dinner in the packed restaurant was a definite, buzzing high point.
She then breaks up with Gabe while accepting her Dundie in front of everyone at a packed restaurant.
A packed restaurant.
Even in the packed, bustling restaurant, the terrorist had noticed his entrance.
"I thought you'd prefer to picnic out among the ants, rather than try to get into a packed restaurant."
But they persevered, she said, "firm and optimistic" in their search, until they were finally allowed by a packed restaurant to eat their dinner off the floor.
Instead of one packed restaurant, ABC Carpet and Home now has two.
The maître d' nears us, picking his way through the packed restaurant, unsmiling.
The bonus parade coincided with reports of packed restaurants and airline flights.
In Chicago, Diana Doyle, a tax lawyer for Latham & Watkins, said hardly anyone was at the usually packed restaurant where she had lunch.