Helmeted and with padded knees and elbows, they roll from steep side to steep side.
He wore a white T-shirt and farmer's pants with padded knees.
His tuneful whistle sounds again, finely shaded, with rushes of the air, his fists bigdrumming on his padded knees.
Now, 30 years later, they are part of its establishment, and some of the heavily padded knees are a bit creaky.
If not, you slide in, put your padded knees against one wall, your padded back against the other, and ease down to the next sorting floor.
And he went further with padded knees borrowed from avant-garde Belgian designers and holster handbags strapped on at the hip and around the leg.
It was more like the front of a pair of trousers, with padded waterproof knees that snapped around the back of the legs.
Up and down went Osgood, bouncing the padded knee off the ice, flexing it as he kicked at pucks.
A driver's side airbag and padded knee bolster affixed below the instrument panel became optional in May.
His padded knees were slightly bent.