Here the feet are kept close to the ground, as in the Paddle Dance, where pairs of dancers seem to be silently paddling a canoe.
Steve paddled silently towards the largest islet, No lights pierced the dark.
We followed Sam's bark for three minutes by water, paddling silently as the sound grew louder and louder.
And with that they laid the rubber boat over the side and paddled silently away.
Lying flat on the canoes and paddling silently they managed to get by without being discovered.
Laughing, he knelt and reached ou t his hands to the dark shapes that sat silently paddling against the current.
"All the world is a story," Tibor said, after paddling silently for a while.
Four minutes later he paddled silently across the roof and looked down on the smoker.
Karen paddled silently, while Jack guided the canoe with considerable skill.
Jenny paddled silently for several strokes, and when she spoke it was not a direct answer.