They had to paddle swiftly to stay out of the way of a barge, two tall freighters and several smaller craft.
A moment later they had cast off and were paddling swiftly toward the cove, now about three miles distant.
He paddled swiftly and silently downstream.
But it was not drifting now; it was being pushed beachward by one who paddled, one who paddled swiftly.
He paddled swiftly nearer, and I saw that he was the tawny prophet of the Piedmont hills.
We must keep a sharp watch and not try to paddle swiftly.
They swarmed about Tarzan's craft; but when they saw the nature of the enemy all but one turned and paddled swiftly upriver.
I warned them that they would get the worst of it if they didn't leave us alone, but they only shouted in derision and paddled swiftly toward us.
Then two of them entered a canoe that several dragged from its hiding-place in the jungle and paddled swiftly toward us.
After swiftly paddling to shore, he and another surfer considered taking up another sport, he said.