In my area of work - I've worked most of my career in paediatric intensive care - standards of nursing are consistently excellent.
More, or even enough, of it may exhaust the allocation of resources for paediatric care.
All institutions providing paediatric care or paediatric surgery were visited, and the records of all cases in the study period were reviewed.
Medical advice is that paediatric intensive care is unlikely to have arrested this.
SickKids has about 370 beds and provides the highest level of complex and specialized paediatric family-centred care.
It also provides paediatric care, including immunizations, and offers diagnostic services, pharmacy and healthcare education to the local communities.
Former storylines have also focused around the hospital's Otter ward, providing paediatric care, as well as its maternity ward.
They decide to meet annually to discuss paediatric intensive care.
Level 3 Further training in paediatric care.
The head of paediatric intensive care at the hospital suggested that a doctor may not have properly checked the infant's vital signs.