The show demonstrates the unquestioned authority of Roman Catholicism and the spell cast by religious and pagan ritual.
This book includes some pagan rituals for use in historical allegories.
Another shrugged it off as "pagan ritual."
He complained about those who went to church, but did not enter, and instead spent their time lighting bonfires, drinking, dancing, singing and following pagan rituals.
Elly Kedward was accused of witchcraft after it was found she had been drawing blood from the local children and performing pagan rituals.
They must not be confused with the raw, pagan rituals that we found here on Hawaii when we arrived.
There are many pagan rituals inextricably woven into the so-called Christian calendar.
On the first floor, an entire room of Roman sarcophagi reveals, among other things, how Christianity slowly infiltrated pagan rituals of death.
Flabella were in use in both pagan rituals and in the Christian Church from very early days.
He gave enormous importance to décor, costumes and lights, which turned his works into great pagan rituals of entertainment.