Well dressing ceremonies are held in most of the villages during the spring and summer months, in a tradition said to date from pagan times.
The name may have been obscure and interpreted differently even in pagan times.
Others said they came to the stadium for the spectacle, as Romans came in pagan times to see the races.
A veneration of oak trees comes from pagan times, when they were of religious significance.
We may well begin with the ancient epics dating substantially from pagan times, probably first written down in the seventh century or even earlier.
The origin of the stories is from pagan times.
A typical example is "Spring," an ancient round dance derived from pagan times and here rendered with poetic beauty.
It originated from pagan times before Russia was converted to Christianity.
Surely such things only occurred in pagan times!
The older name of the site may show that even in pagan times, the location had been in use for worship.