The first page of the letter ends here in mid-sentence.
The pages ended, as last week, with them leaving the restaurant.
In the fair copy a page ends with the words 'you will find that for a while the trees march on.
Every page ends with a prominent link to a donation solicitation.
After noting the "illegal" $250,000 that "slipped through," the page ends with the figures "116,000" and "120,000."
Player can try to assemble all the pages to end the zombie onslaught.
Chapters and pages should end mid-situation, to increase the reader's desire to keep reading.
The page then ends, and it's unknown what comes next.
Robertson agreed, and the second volume ended with 24 pages of new material ending the series.
A page of the typescript ends here, and at the bottom of the page is written Turgon (late addition).