Few Washington events, save Congressional page scandals and cherry blossoms, arrive more reliably than a Bob Woodward book flap.
She said she was paying little attention to the Congressional page scandal.
After Foley resigned following the page scandal, Kilroy attacked Pryce with the conservative religious voters.
The fact is, however, that they are all to blame to different degrees for this latest page scandal.
Press coverage of the trial was suppressed, but the filing and results were front page scandal.
Mr. Hastert took responsibility last Thursday for the page scandal in an appearance that Republicans hoped would quiet calls for his ouster.
Melting glaciers and corroding pteropods aren't as sensational as a Congressional page scandal, or as urgent as the Iraq war.
The page scandal has left leaders and candidates in both parties to come up with new strategies a month from Election Day.
Republican pollsters said their first concern was that the page scandal could discourage Republican voters from turning out.
And on Thursday, during an appearance at a union hall, he was surprisingly blunt in talking about Mr. Foley's behavior in the page scandal.