There was a page titled Case Report that detailed my brother's last day.
The couple's wedding program featured a page titled "Tomayto.
Another page, titled "School to Career," highlights Lands' End, the mail-order apparel company.
Cardozo turns to a page titled "Legal Defense Fund Talking Points."
A page of quick, small impressions, titled "Branchville, Oct. 5, 1936," is a case in point.
The team's media guide features a page titled "Big Time Basketball," as if the reader needed a reminder.
Simmons writes a column per month for his page titled "Sports Guy's World."
It was folded open at a page titled: 'The Artists who Turn Crime into Art.'
Another page, titled "touché", has a completely black background, with tiny white words scattered in different sections of the page.
But it opens with a page titled "Fact."