It remains controversial, however, that chronic pain might arise purely from emotional causes.
Removal of the eye (enucleation) is an option if pain or further complications arise.
If pain is arising from this area, the horse will stop limping.
An intense pain arose and from time to time got transferred into a feeling of absolute bliss.
There is not doubt that certain classes of drug can increase aggression, sharpen awareness and dull the pain arising from injuries, but they are all banned.
The test helps to confirm that the pain arises from the shoulder primarily and is not referred pain from the neck, heart or gut.
He also proposed that the pain arose from the meninges and blood vessels of the head.
This is particularly true when the pain arose suddenly during physical loading of the back, with the pain lateral to the spine.
If pain arises, stop this exercise immediately, as it may be an indicator of a pinched nerve.
The pain arises from nerves that are injured or malfunctioning.