In June 1970 Vsevolod underwent an operation in London, the beginning of a long painful battle with cancer.
It is a painful and comic battle, and it is pure surmise.
Every minute of that long, painful battle, all he thought of was Elizabeth and Cassie.
How about a tender, sensitive account of Adolf Hitler's painful battle to conquer his stammer in the run up to the first Nuremberg Rally?
During the 1950s she was diagnosed with cancer, and began a long and painful battle against it.
Many early families in the area had to fight lengthy, years long, painful legal battles to get their land rights.
This painful battle needs refighting, not only for blacks but on behalf of working women and other victims of discrimination as well.
A year earlier my father had died, after a painful battle with lung cancer.
This was due to his long and painful battle with a brain tumor that he fought bravely against.
He died in 2010 from heart failure after a protracted and painful battle with alcoholism.