The painful collision never came.
There was little sympathy here today for First Lieut. Kelly Flinn, thrown out of the Air Force this week in a painful, public collision of adultery and military law.
Whinnying, she brought her head up in a painful collision with Ken's nose.
They flew directly at each other, and to avoid a painful collision had to catch and twist in mid-air, as if dancing.
Her mind replayed all the painful collisions she had suffered with rocks hidden beneath the muddy brown water and her battering impacts against the sides of the underground tunnel.
And a painful collision of his body with something hard enough to knock the breath out of him.
During the third game last night, Maleeva struck herself in the face with her racquet, a painful collision that opened a cut on her nose and gave her a 10-minute headache.
This painful collision with medieval fundamentalism did not make Maimonides hostile to Islam as a whole.
There were the sounds of running feet, of pursuing grunts, of painful collisions with unseen objects, of unexpected giggles and scattered conversation.
Studies under way include the interpersonal - as in the Murrays' painful collision of household and war zone - and urgent matters of national and military security.