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Frequent or painful contractions could be a sign of premature labor.
Hockley felt a quick, painful contraction in the region of his diaphragm.
There was a painful contraction as soon as it hit the pit of his stomach.
It also signaled that no programs or companies, not even the biggest, are immune from the industry's painful contraction.
The cervix may open and thin without strong or painful contractions.
With each hit against the door, Anne has a painful contraction.
Prolonged muscular action causes sudden, powerful, and painful contractions of muscle groups.
He was commenting on a report saying that the British jobs market is facing a "slow, painful contraction".
But now, every so often, she could feel it harden, a painful contraction that made her back ache.
Occasionally, during vigorous activity or while sleeping, a muscle may become locked in a painful contraction.