Bernds painfully remembered the grueling filming process:
By contrast, he wrote, he still painfully remembers patients who died many years ago.
There, Ratchet eventually ran into Lockdown again, having him painfully remember the incident which caused Arcee to lose her memory.
The queen had been in a peculiar mood of late, and Adiss painfully remembered the fate of his predecessor.
They hadn't even waited to go upstairs, she remembered painfully.
He pronounced it Trevethian, natural and Welsh; not as they had themselves when they first arrived, Jane painfully remembered.
And, for another, he still painfully remembered the consequences of his impatience in Tarantia.
Ray then painfully remembers about the day it in which they ran over David Gregg and then called for help.
And Jason Bourne's instincts - born of the gradually, painfully remembered Medusa - were accurate.
Many team members remember one painfully awkward afternoon meeting before Christmas 1989.