Certainly, the world of Amalur has been carved out in painstaking historical detail.
In painstaking detail, the food plans laid out the amount of meat, bread, potatoes, and other staples that families needed in order to eat healthily.
In painstaking detail, we reviewed his medical and psychiatric history, but nothing stood out.
Though not yet finished, the trilogy has been described as "massive" and going "into painstaking detail".
Heikal, by contrast, calmly explores, in often painstaking detail, the political and moral failings of key players on both sides.
In painstaking detail, Disney has made accessible to millions of children much of the wonder of the structure.
It is the painstaking details that make Ms. Peters's work so unusual - closer to sculpture than to cake decoration.
In painstaking detail, the report on 193 countries issued this week paints a dreary picture of day-to-day discrimination and abuse.
Such overly painstaking details and eccentricities never concerned Queen.
They hovered a different area each day, in ' painstaking detail.