"Ivan's War" combines, quite effectively, painstaking historical reconstruction and sympathetic projection.
Its painstaking reconstruction took decades.
So the painstaking reconstruction has been accomplished by numbering each rock, then matching each with historical photographs.
Her home and workplace have tested negative for anthrax, and a painstaking reconstruction of her activities has turned up few leads.
It is best known for painstaking reconstructions of performances of music of the 1920s, using authentic instruments, and improvisation in the style of the time.
So the production gains from the painstaking reconstruction of Iraq's oil infrastructure in the last year have already been absorbed by export markets.
"To arrive at the truth through the painstaking reconstruction of a false text."
On Wednesday 25 January 2006 a member of the public tripped, which resulted in three huge oriental porcelain vases being shattered and requiring painstaking reconstruction.
Campany's book is more than a critical annotated translation; it is also a painstaking reconstruction of the textual strata.
Kris said at one point during the painstaking reconstruction of who had said what, when and where.