Until now, the oldest known samples of air were far younger, the product of a 160,000-year-old core of polar ice that was painstakingly drawn over the last five years from its resting place a mile below the Antarctic surface.
Bright and dark diffuse nebulae are shown, and the actual outlines of those larger than 10' in diameter are painstakingly drawn.
In contrast to, say, Bugs Bunny, who is painstakingly drawn in advance, a live animation character can move freely and banter with people in "real time."
Over six years the 3,600-square-yard Septimius Severus arch was painstakingly drawn, photographed and ocmputer recorded.
Mr. Macaulay has painstakingly drawn the painstaking methods of excavating a maritime site.
Underneath the title is a joke caption such as "Painstakingly drawn in front of a live studio audience."
District lines have been painstakingly drawn to protect incumbents, and to help the party with control over the process.
The harborworks diagram she had painstakingly drawn lay in plain sight on her work table.
Painstakingly drawn in several colors, and lettered with many names, this map depicted the entire continent of which the Duke's domain was no more than a tenth part.
Painstakingly drawn colour pictures are part of a new memorial book being created to help raise funds for Darlington hospice.