Most notably, the city had to be painstakingly rebuilt after the extensive damage it suffered in World War II, during which 85% of its buildings were destroyed.
Central Synagogue, a landmark Moorish Revival building dating from 1872, was painstakingly rebuilt after a devastating fire nearly destroyed it in 1998.
Mostly salvaged from museums and parade grounds, the predark weapons had each been painstakingly rebuilt to function fully and had slain many bikers and muties over the years.
Forty years later, his Supermarine Spitfire P9374 re-emerged from the muddy coastline, and now it has been painstakingly rebuilt by the Aircraft Restoration Company.
All the while, on the other side of the line, Mr. Bucch had painstakingly rebuilt a family.
The bombings in Lebanon was yet another crippling blow to Lebanon's infrastructure, painstakingly rebuilt over the last decade after years of civil war.
Destroyed entirely by fire in 1910 it was painstakingly rebuilt.
Since then, the Old Regent has been painstakingly rebuilt and restored once again, including recreating historic panels in the auditorium and the original 1930s carpeting.
Since then, she's painstakingly rebuilt her credit, paying her bills on time and checking her credit report at least once a year.
No detail about the tractor that a distant uncle had built 73 years ago - and that she had painstakingly rebuilt to shining perfection - seemed beyond scrutiny.