Each of the insects in the zoo live in their own natural habitats, which have been painstakingly reproduced under the direction of entomologists and museum professionals.
When these paintings began to deteriorate due to the cold, damp conditions inside the cathedral, Montferrand ordered them to be painstakingly reproduced as mosaics, a technique introduced in Russia by Mikhail Lomonosov.
Additional items have been painstakingly reproduced to the exact original specifications of over one-hundred years ago including the station benches and bay window area.
These La Scala has painstakingly reproduced.
Spots where hands have rubbed year after year are preserved or painstakingly reproduced.
These posters have been painstakingly reproduced from original materials in the holdings of the National Archives.
Their effect on the historical record was significant as the books were painstakingly reproduced on velum by monks across Europe.
Mr. Maeder has painstakingly reproduced several fashionable cravat styles in paper, including one he labels "Bryronic and romantic."