Much of it has been painstakingly restored in recent years.
However it was painstakingly restored in 2007 at a cost of € 1M and made operational again.
From personal experience, we know that these buildings are well maintained and many have been painstakingly restored.
It was painstakingly restored from 1992 to 1998 and is one of the most dominant buildings in the town.
Local people worked for years to painstakingly restore and move a house designed by Wright in 1908 to a nearby site.
The two plan to marry and move into a small cabin that he has painstakingly restored.
Over 130 years old, she has been painstakingly restored and is toured by thousands of fans each year.
The fresco has been painstakingly restored to its earlier beauty.
In the more than 12 years since German reunification, about half of the town's buildings have been painstakingly restored.
Van Gogh's room was painstakingly restored to its original condition.