The Triumph of Galatea is a fresco masterpiece completed about 1514 by the Italian painter Raphael for the Villa Farnesina in Rome.
Portrait of Pope Julius II is an oil painting by the Italian painter Raphael.
Above the main entrance, in the second floor, are busts of three famous classical artists: architect Bramante, painter Raphael and sculptor Phidias.
He imposed justice and stability on his tiny state through the principles of his humanist education; he engaged the best copyists and editors in his private scriptorium to produce the most comprehensive library outside of the Vatican; he supported the development of fine artists, including the early training of the young painter Raphael.
The Three Graces is an oil painting by Italian painter Raphael, housed in the Musée Condé of Chantilly, France.
At about this time [speaking of the painter Raphael] only, movable pictures, to be hung on walls as ornaments, began to be in frequent demand.
Cinemareview cites: "Cardinal Consalvi was Papal Secretary of State at the time of Napoleon and is buried at the Pantheon in Rome next to the painter Raphael.
The 71 here survey French drawing from 1620 to 1680, when classicism came to French art, aiming to restore High Renaissance ideals of clarity, order and balance, with the Italian painter Raphael as a revered model.
The tomb of the painter Raphael is also there.
The duke filled his court with some of the best painters and thinkers of his day, including the father of the painter Raphael.