The technology does not yet exist - and may never exist - that can precisely reproduce colors, brush stokes, contrasts and painterly gestures.
It developed characteristics such as painterly gesture, linear quality, and vibrant colors, as well as a sense of individual personality, humor, and fantasy.
And the absence of painterly gesture or surface texture gives the images a disembodied quality, as if they were being broadcast on giant plasma screens.
Of these, the undulating line - a rhythmic painterly gesture in time - if featured most often.
Each drawing transitioned from bright, colorful, painterly gestures to linear, geometric shapes and a muted palette.
Both used images of ordinary objects, or the objects themselves, in their work, while retaining the abstraction and painterly gestures of high modernism.
At the end of the sixties he was a master of expressive colour and portrayed in-depth content in human, painterly gestures.
This show illustrates the wide range of effects, from meticulous detail to painterly gesture, that the technique can produce.
I don't mind the coarseness of his smaller and larger painterly gestures, but they seem as affected as they are impetuous.
They are characterized by their display of aesthetic qualities such as painterly gestures, linear design, hand-lettering, metaphors, humor, and vibrant colors.