At times during the performance, the stage is divided by a large curtain illustrated with a painting called the Cortéo Procession.
The big paintings call, therefore, for a specific kind of attention.
He exhibited eight small paintings from a series called "A Broker's Tale,"' (1997).
The small painting calls to mind certain Indian miniatures in which the erotic and the mystical are inextricably wed.
On the walls were inlaid paintings called frescoes, these were often of Phoenician style.
Jory, the middle son, was upstairs, painting, and Lady Hull was calling on a friend.
Egyptian painting has close connection with its written language - called Egyptian hieroglyphs.
The painting calls to mind Jack Levine's but without the biting social critique.
But no statues or paintings or what Caesar would have called works of art.
An easel painting by the artist called Zapatistas at Rest, painted that same year, caught his eye.