A pair of 18th-century glass coolers that were expected to sell for at most $50,000 brought $220,000.
A pair of seasoned breeders may bring $100,000 or more.
The pair have also brought to the material a fresh twist on Max's relationships with the "wild things," in particular one of them.
The pair watched as the pilot brought the 180 in for a smooth landing.
The pair who remained had brought in the box of gems.
The final pair of shots, delivered at close range, brought the footman to the floor.
Michael assumed the pair had brought in another load of buffalo meat.
The pair have brought a softer edge here now that Tyson has been pushed aside.
The pair along with other investors brought the company back to profitability and maintained ownership until 1955.
After several years the pair brought the rest of the family west to live with them on a farm.