Later, the pair recruited Ray Greer as their sales and marketing partner.
Serafini counters that after bonding with Hessel in Gloritone, his desire to start a new band was whetted, and the pair recruited Woolford.
Initially called Polarian, the pair recruited Carl's brother Paul, bassist Ben Picken and singer Dai Roberts to complete the lineup.
The pair recruited Bob McFadden on drums, but after a month the project fell apart.
The pair decided to try to attract female customers, and recruited Grabiec and Ruehl, who invested in, and are partners in the business.
The pair would recruit Robert Gooch, who was with Kohlmeyer & Co., and accountant Joseph C. Weller.
The pair recruited Ramiscal and Scanniello and began writing and performing original songs that year.
The pair contacted friends and recruited Jason Genaro on drums and Andrew Ermlick on bass to complete the required positions for a line-up.
In September 1993, the pair recruited Mr. Ingari, a former rock guitarist and a highly respected software industry veteran.
The pair then recruited Tripp Eisen as guitarist, Preston Nash as drummer, and Acey Slade as bassist.